Medical Acupuncture is a treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine. Fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body to relieve symptoms associated with many health conditions and pain. Inserting the needles stimulates the nerves sending messages back to the central nervous system, which encourages blood flow carrying oxygen
Medical Acupuncture is a treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine. Fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body to relieve symptoms associated with many health conditions and pain. Inserting the needles stimulates the nerves sending messages back to the central nervous system, which encourages blood flow carrying oxygen and nutrients, to target the affected area and promote healing. The therapist will discuss this with the client and decide if acupuncture will be an appropriate form of treatment.
Remedial Massage is used specifically for the treatment of injury and musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction. Through massage and muscle energy techniques, this hands-on approach is used to release muscle tension and pain, treat muscle imbalances and postural issues, increase range of movement and enhance joint mobility.
Sports Massage is for professional and amateur athletes alike. Pre event treatments are shorter and more vigorous. They also include stretching. This allows the muscles to be prepared to perform at their maximum potential, by increasing circulation and flexibility.
Post event treatments promote recovery for hard working muscles by stimula
Sports Massage is for professional and amateur athletes alike. Pre event treatments are shorter and more vigorous. They also include stretching. This allows the muscles to be prepared to perform at their maximum potential, by increasing circulation and flexibility.
Post event treatments promote recovery for hard working muscles by stimulating blood flow, removing toxins and increasing oxygen levels. Regular maintenance appointments allow the athlete to perform at their maximum potential, whilst preventing sporting injuries.
Functional Integrated Cupping Therapy utilises negative pressure rather than tissue compression technique used in massage through the use of special cups. The suction lifts connective tissue, releases rigid tissue and loosens adhesions. Cupping also pulls trapped toxins to skin level where it can easily be flushed out by the lymphatic an
Functional Integrated Cupping Therapy utilises negative pressure rather than tissue compression technique used in massage through the use of special cups. The suction lifts connective tissue, releases rigid tissue and loosens adhesions. Cupping also pulls trapped toxins to skin level where it can easily be flushed out by the lymphatic and circulatory system. It also brings blood flow and nutrients to the stagnant areas which aids the healing process. The pulling action promotes deep relaxation throughout the entire body. During the initial assessment and treatment the therapist will discuss this option with the client if it is thought that it would be a beneficial to them.
Kinesiology tape is used in both sports and remedial therapy. For athletes preparing for a sporting event it can provide additional support and protection when needed, and therefor enhance athletic performance.
For clients with soft tissue injury/pain, kinesiology taping can allow more movement whilst providing support to muscles and join
Kinesiology tape is used in both sports and remedial therapy. For athletes preparing for a sporting event it can provide additional support and protection when needed, and therefor enhance athletic performance.
For clients with soft tissue injury/pain, kinesiology taping can allow more movement whilst providing support to muscles and joints. Alleviating pain and allowing the muscles to move more freely and naturally, it can promote healing and reduce recovery time. The therapist will discuss this with the client and decide if taping will be effective. If it is appropriate the therapist would apply the tape after the massage treatment.
Frozen Shoulder
Planter Fasciitis
Knee Injuries
Sciatic Pain
Repetitive Strain Injuries such as Tennis and Golfer's Elbow, Rotator Cuff Injuries
Muscle Strains and Tension
Postural imbalances
Arthritic Pain
Sporting Injuries
Assessment of client
Treatment of condition
Postural alignment
Rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries
Stretching and strengthening exercises
Tania qualified from the Western School of Massage at Caledonian University, Glasgow in 2012 with a diploma in Sports Massage and Remedial Therapy. Since then, she has been working with many individuals, treating their injuries, assisting in pain management, promoting improved performance in sports, and helping with maintenance of personal fitness and positive wellbeing. Tania holds advanced certificates in the treatment of in hip, pelvic and neck and shoulder pain. She is also trained in the use of integrated cupping and kinesiology taping, which she uses throughout her treatments alongside massage.
After qualifying in 2012 Tania worked for the professional rugby team, The Glasgow Warriors, before setting up her own clinic in Stewarton, East Ayrshire. During that time, she also worked for the charity MND Scotland, providing relief for sufferers of Motor Neurone Disease and their family through massage. Recently Tania has joined Pro-Active Physiotherapy clinic in Stewarton to continue her work in treating injuries and promoting injury prevention. Keeping her clients in optimal physical condition means that they can continue training, exercising, and living life to the full.
"I can't recommend Tania highly enough, she always makes me feel relaxed, comfortable and welcome. Every time I go she is able to fix my runner's niggles and plays a key role in me getting the most out of my training by finding the right areas, and preventing them from turning into injuries. She has a talent for finding the problem area and working on it effectively."
" I recommend Tania of TMH Remedy for her outstanding work as a massage therapist. I had a problem a while ago with my right leg. Through several sessions of remedial massage and the use of a foam roller with exercises specified by Tania, it resulted in my leg being back to normal ."
"I started bringing my son for some sports therapy back in 2016 when he was a teenager, and he has attended regularly since. He plays regular football and Tania has been fantastic with treatment and advice. Always has his best interest at heart and treats you as a valued client rather than just a number. I would highly recommend."
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